Restricted Area Trekking

The Government along with few environmental groups such as Nepal Environment Conservation has restricted trespassing in certain areas to preserve the natural and cultural heritage.

Likewise, certain areas with complex topography are off-limits to avoid accidents. 

However, Nepal Tibet makes amends to access these exceptional, adventurous, isolated, and restricted areas where hardly few trekkers are seen, whilst ensuring your safety. 

You will get a hold of trekking permit to the restricted areas after paying for particular permits; You must then trek along with the liaison representative who will be dealing with government administrator and police at the verification points. A registered trekking agency like ours arranges the trekking permit via definite official procedures.

The only thing you need to be conscious of while planning your trek is that there are several check posts in these areas and you will have to retrace back if you don’t have a special entry permit. Other than that, it is purely our duty to ensure your trip to be one of the most memorable trips. 

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NEPAL TIBET TOURS & TREKS provides you an opportunity to experience a matchless combination of natural beauty and unique cultures of Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India.
+ 977-1-4700085, 4700234
+ 977-98510 25466 (Birendra)